Savings Accounts
A savings account is all you need to get started as a member at ST&PFCU. Your savings deposits are called "shares," which make you an owner of our credit union.
- $5 initial deposit
- Dividends paid quarterly
- Access your savings account through online banking, by phone, by mail, payroll deduction or electronic deposit / withdrawal. Deposits to your savings account also can be made at a night depository at any branch.
- Worldwide access through ATMs
- Perform transactions at CO-OP Shared Branches around the U.S. and the world.
Share Certificate
A share certificate differs from regular savings account. Higher dividend rates are earned as you lock in your deposits for a specified period of time.
- $3,500 minimum deposit
- 3 to 24 months term available
- Subject to penalties for early withdrawal
Individual Retirement Account
An IRA is a tax-sheltered account that allows you to save on taxes while saving for retirement or other needs.* We will take care of all of the necessary reporting and paperwork required by the IRS. We’ll also handle the rollover or transfer of an existing IRA to ensure that all requirements are met.
- $100 minimum deposit for Individual Retirement Accounts
- No required subsequent deposits, setup or maintenance fees
- Dividends paid quarterly
IRA Types
- Traditional IRA
- Roth IRA
- Educational IRA
*Please consult your tax advisor
Special Savings
- Christmas
- Vacation
- Education
- Insurance
- Miscellameous